The More You Fail, The More You'll Succeed.

The More You Fail, The More You'll Succeed.

It was a chilly spring evening. I had been working on an important deal for about two months and this evening was the last sprint... Closing time!

In light of the possible beginning of a long prosperous relationship...

I took the potential customer out for dinner.

Booked the fanciest restaurant in town, had some great food and smoothly sailed through the entire evening.

Until he asked...

"What is your greatest skill?"

I paused.

5 seconds later...

I uttered the words...


The potential customer looked at me confused.

I explained...

I'm great at making mistakes.

I'd go as far as say I love making them...

Because, I know that every mistake takes me one step closer to success!

We all make mistakes, it's inevitable.

It's rather how we do it and how often we do it that matters.

In practice/learning, the more you fail the better.

In action, the fewer mistakes the better.

And when sitting in front of a prospect...

The sum of your mistakes will largely determine the outcome of the sale.

So what happened with the potential customer you may ask...

At the end of the dinner, we signed a $50,000 agreement.

Written by...
Anton Keller
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