swedish agency reveals the best kept secret to...

ethically increase your landing page Conversion by 2x, 3x, or even 9x,for free!

Never spend a dollar too much on Facebook or Google ever again.
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For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

Updated XXXX
*Cue dramatic music*


Dun dun duuunnnnnn!

The art of selling through text.

If you ask me, this is the single most important skill of any successful advertiser...

If we are talking sales, I bet you have a clear picture of what a good sales rep is.

How they talk...

How they walk...

How they look...


Copywriting is essentially the exact same as regular selling.

Just done through text...

You see Landing Pages, Websites or what ever you want to call them are built up from Copywriting.

And since you are here, I already know you want to sell more online.

Copywriting is the way...

You have had issues with your ads, people click but no one buys...

Your CPA is rising and you don't know what to do...

You start scratching your head for answers, but none come...

Now you're getting really stressed...

Your ROAS is plunging...

Eyes start swelling...

Heck you're thinking about giving up on this whole marketing thing...

"What do I need ads for if they don't generate sales?"

"Should I just shut them of and go with traditional sales only?"

I know the feeling...

It's frustrating and you just want to rip your face out.

Luckily, you're smart.

After all, you're here aren't you?

And what I am about to teach you will not only solve those issues...

But also give you the power to demolish your competition with your highly profitably advertising.

You will have new customers knocking on your door.

Asking for you...

Almost begging you to help them.

That is the power of what you're learning here.

With copywriting you can literally take the platforms you are currently using and double, triple or even 10x your results.

By doing what?

Not by writing words, no no nooo.

By creating trust, destroying doubt and convincing people that you are in fact the best option.

But instead...

Poor Zuckerberg and Google get all the blame...

It's not your fault, though.

Some years ago, your ads would probably have been profitable.

But nowadays there simply is to much competition.

Making the cost sky-rocket day-by-day.

And the skill-level to get new customers with it...

But you want to learn.

You want to get new customers.

Build that new life of prosperity.

So let me teach you...

But before we jump into the really juicy details you need to understand this...

You are not selling your product.

You are selling the outcome that it delivers.

That is what people are buying.

Your product simply helps your customers to achieve their desired outcome.

You don't buy a shovel because it is a shovel, you buy it because you need to dig a hole.

Depending on the size of the hole maybe you even need an excavator...

Are you following along?

Good, I knew you would get it.

You are now ready to unlock the secret power of...
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Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

the never ending client gathering robot vacuum.

Even Ogilvy himself, who is considered the father of advertising, contributed his success to this approach.

We call it scientific advertising...

It is the core in any successful marketing really.

Basing everything on one thing and one thing only.

The results you get...

When was the last time you spoke to some self-proclaimed marketing expert who promised you that their amazing design skills would revolutionize the world?

How did you feel once you realized those people had no clue what they were doing except for creating nice looking art?

I bet it didn't feel very good.

I know I would have thought...

"what an absolute waste this was".

Perhaps you managed to convince yourself otherwise.

But let's be blunt...

For all you care, your marketing could look like the inside of a walrus as long as it generated the results you wanted to see.

And that is how it should be...

Okay maybe I might have gone a bit overboard there but you get my point.


I can already hear the screams of marketing hipsters with their shiny designs hating me...

Click here to apply for your free 30-min consulting
Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

Take these Three steps to convert upwards to 5x more customers.

Yes, that is right.

You will be able to convert upwards to 5x or even more customers by doing this easy change.

I mean common, why wouldn't you want that?

Just imagine your everyday life with 5x more customers.

No longer an issue getting new customers...

Instead you get an issue managing all new customers.

What better problem could you have?

So let's not wait a second longer.

Let's dive straight into...
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Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!


How to make your landing pages into sales machines using copywriting

Copywriting is the foundation of your landing page.

And together with your irresistable offer it will blow the competition away.

For starters, you must know who you are talking to.

Adapt to their everyday language and mirror their behavior.

Just like you would in a normal sales scenario.

Once you understand the rythm of the conversation you simply lean back into your mind and start talking.

It's a lot easier said than done, yes.

But I believe you'll get there.

Here are the most important things to think about when writing copy...

The purpose of each sentence is to make the reader read the next one.

In addition to that you will have a purpose for each section of your copy.

For example we use Lead-Ins to create intrigue and interest.

Now I want to give you something...

I want to tell you a secret...

Listen really close...

Your headlines are everything.

It's what makes people read your copy in the first place.

It's what creates interest.

It's what shows who should read your copy and what value it will give them.

At least that is what your headlines should do.

Here are a few ways you can upgrade your headlines:

- Include a big promise.

- Use specific numbers.

- Include news.

- Convey who it is for.

Here are some things to avoid:

- You should never lie.

- Don't be boring.

To finish up this section I would like to leave you with something I get asked about frequently.

Does Long-Form copy really work?

The short answer is, yes.

The long answer is, yes indeed.

You see, the people who tell you long copy doesn't work has a serious disadvantage, fault even...

They can't sell.

They are just focusing on the wrong things...

Because you don't want everyone to read your copy.

You just want the right people, the interested people and the potential customers to read it.

To them long-form copy will beat short-form the majority of times.

It simply delivers more value.

And just like in regular sales you'll need to talk more when selling an expensive product than a cheap one.

So always remember...

"The more you tell, the more you sell"
- David Ogilvy
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Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!


How to qualify the traffic and turn it Into leads.

Turning cold traffic into leads takes time.

Some take longer than others.

Therefore you must include heat detectors to your site.

Something that can measure and sort out the cold traffic from the warm.

Something that gives you an understanding of who is ready to buy and not.

And we do so by implementing opt-ins.

Things that force the reader to put in effort if they want it.

For example it could be signing up to an e-mail list...

Getting access to a webinar...

Or downloading a cheat sheet...

Then you simply start sorting your potential customers in heat categories.

Some will not opt-in...

Others will...

Some will even go further and submit a request...

But by implementing this step you always know who you are talking to.

How many dates you've been on so far.

Which saves you from leaning in for an awkwardly denied kiss.
apply for your free 30-min consulting
Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!


How to make actual sales with your landing pages.

Now to the part that you have waited for...

Here is how you can make actual sales with your landing pages.

There are many things to consider here which are many mentioned in the previous sections.

But there is one more thing we have not talked about and that is...

Frog legs.


Just had to check you were still here.

Don't say I didn't warn you about my bad sense of humor...

What I meant to say was structure.

What does the structure of your website have to do with sales?

Let me tell you.

Without it you are creating chaos and people don't want to deal with chaos.

There needs to be a clear cut path and goal all the way through.

That goes for the entire journey, from funnel to text.

Your customers need to know exactly what to do at all times on your website.

Otherwise you will sell nothing...

How do we achieve this clarity that I am talking about?

Well you must first determine what the purpose of your website is, each individual landing page and each section.

Everything needs to have a clear purpose.

If it doesn't you might as well remove it...

Once you have the purpose of each part written down you need to adapt to fit that specific purpose.

For example if the websites purpose is to generate sales then everything should be focused around moving towards generating sales...
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Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

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5 timeless ways to build funnel-pages with up to 98.6% conversion

In this 20+ page guide I have spared no details and give you exact step-by-step secrets to convert like crazy in 2022, 2023 and probably 2093 as well. Here are just a few of the things you'll learn...

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Don't rely on hope and prayers to get new customers.

How to predictably generate new customers every single month. Even during hard times like a pandemic.

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Save time, effort & money by working only with people that want your offer.

How to make you entire sales operation more effective and your customers happier by selling inbound.

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Future proof your business with an unbreakable brand image.

How to set your business up for success even in the future so that you can level up x10.

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How to get more sales opportunities than you can handle.

How working with high value content offers will flood your business with qualified prospects raising their hands saying "I am interested!".

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You will be able to Harness the power of business growth.

How to use scale your entire business in just 90-days and truly achieve rocket speed growth.

Did I mention it is for FREE? So what are you waiting for? Click the button below and claim your FREE report now!

Claim your FREE report now!

p.s. if at any time we want to delete this offer we may do so without prior warning. So if you want to learn how to generate more sales than ever, more predictably than ever then all you have to do is press the damn button.

Last chance now. Remember, the report is completely free. Their literally is nothing to lose.

Only a few spots still available this month

We'll beat your best performing landing page within 90-days, guaranteed or we’ll work for free…

We put our money where our mouth is.

We literally take the risk ourselves, so you don't have to.

But hold up their pal...

We can’t just go and give away crazy stuff like this to anyone.

To claim this offer...

1. You must be running profitable ads on either Facebook or Google right now.

This opportunity isn’t for startups.

Or businesses that are just starting out with their digital journey.

2. We need full creative freedom to do whatever WE believe will generate results.

If we are not in complete charge of the process, we can’t guarantee anything.

It's as simple as that.

3. You must be selling a sustainable product/service.

Our mission is to help sustainable businesses to acquire more customers ethically.

Therefore this exclusive offer is limited to those only.

To claim this offer simple click the button below and...
apply for your free 30-min consulting
Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

Don't just take our word for it see what these fine people has to say about us...

here are the answers you're looking for

What does an Ethical Advertising Agency actually do?
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A good Ethical Advertising Agency will help you generate traffic ethically. It should also help you convert said traffic into paying clients at the lowest possible expense for your business while leaving the lowest possible footprint on the planet and society at large.

We do all of that but, unlike other agencies, our team at NUED not only produce ads and landing pages that produce up to 80% less CO2 than most websites. Our goal is to run circles around your competition, generate a ROI so big that you'll want to work with us forever and help you do all of that without selling your soul to the devil.
How do I know that I will get a return on my investment?
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Because we put our money where our mouth is and offer you big guarantees when working with us.
How do I know that my campaign will be sustainable?
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When working with us you will receive frequent sustainability reporting for your campaign alongside the financial results.
Do you work with small and large businesses?
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To us, your size doesn't matter 😏

If your business is making the world a better place and...

- You understand the value of spending $1 to get $5, we can work with you.

- You are serious about scaling your operations and dominating your market, we can work with you.

- You want to turn your marketing and sales department into a sustainable money-making machine, we can work with you.
Why is NUED the best Ethical Advertising Agency?
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While I could bladder on about how great we are, I'll give you the honest truth about our business instead...

✅ As far as we know, NUED is the only Ethical Advertising Agency in the world specialized on ROI performance.

✅ Our landing pages produce, on average, 80% less CO2 than other landing pages.

✅ Although limited, all of our reviews are 5/5 on G2 & Trustpilot.

✅ We have generated over $30M in revenue for our clients.

✅ Amongst our previous clients you'll find the UNHCR.
Can you guarantee results?
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All of our services Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Google Ads all include unique performance guarantees; where if you don't get the agreed upon results, we don't get paid.