Swedish agency reveals brand new way to...

ethically generate new customers at a staggering rate you won't be able to keep up with, guaranteed!

Don't miss out on the 2.5 Billion opportunity to embrace the internets largest network of potential customers.
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Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

Updated XXXX
‍There are customers who are looking for your product and those who are not.

Perhaps the greatest advertising mistake is to neglect those who are not.

Because, a large portion of them can become interested in your product.

All you have to do is interest them.

That is what makes Facebook the most powerful advertising tool out there.

It enables business owners like you and me to not only find those people but to accurately target them with our ads.

This can turn your business into a literal money printing machine within a couple of weeks.

But you've tried Facebook Ads before.

Maybe you're even running some now.

Unfortunately you are probably here though because they are not running as profitably as you would have hoped.

That is the case of most advertisers on Facebook...

But it doesn't have to be your case.

You have the power to break free from...

absolute confusion and headache when you try to scale and results plunge.

You can take your business to new heights.

To places you didn't think was possible.

You can make Facebook Ads your shiny new trophy.

It's a shortcut for you to get many more clients than you will even have time to handle.

Wouldn't that be nice?

Waking up every morning knowing you'll have a full inbox of leads waiting for you.

To never again live with that fear of not knowing...

Constantly pondering...

"When is the next customer coming?"
apply for your free 30-min consulting
Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

A gift to the fancy metric lovers.

I will share with you our never before shared secret ways to multiply your business intake with Facebook Ads.

This will enable you to grow your business faster than you have ever done before.

You will get customers that stand in line to get your offer.

And ultimately you will have the power to truly multiply your business growth.

I know you've had your issues with Zuckerberg before but trust me.

Give it one more chance and I will teach how to harness the brutal force that is Facebook Ads.

So let's dive straight in...

Listen to this...
apply for your free 30-min consulting
Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!


Most Advertisers forget the single most important thing in their ads...

The tasty bait...

Even lil fishies want a good snack.

So you better become a got damn Michelin Chef.

But don't worry, I will teach you how.

The tasty bait is actually the value of your ad.

The value you are giving the reader for reading your ad.

If that value is high enough they'll keep reading and eventually click, which is the goal.

To do that, you must generate value.

That can be done in many ways but what I recommend and what we do ourselves is through educating.

Just like we're doing now...

I am telling you all the secrets of the industry that other agencies don't want you to know AND I am teaching you how to do it on your own.

Yes, competitors don't like me very much...

*sad eyes*

But literally, by studying our website you could become a Digital Marketing Master.

But why?

Why should you give away all your secrets?

Isn't that like shooting yourself in the foot?

No, it's the opposite!

Give & You Shall Receive.

You get value only when you give value.

That's just the way it goes.

And the more you give the more you get!

I mean that in a business way, not religious.

Don't believe me?

Try it and see the results for yourself.

With that said, it is now time...

Time to make the tastiest bait of them all.

By writing an ad that teaches readers about your product.

Teaches the reader how to do what you do or something else that gives a lot of value.

But remember...

Context is everything.

The value you are giving will be different for different people.

Make sure that what you are giving is actually of value to the one you are targeting.

Don't think about selling anything at this moment.

The only purpose of the ad is to give enough value to the potential customers that they decide to click.

And despite what other marketers might tell you, YOU NEED LONG FORM COPY TO JUSTIFY A HIGH-END OFFER.

That's just the way it is and honestly you probably already know that.

Because, marketing is just like sales.

If you have a more expensive product to sell...

You need to spend more time selling the product.

Don't confuse yourself.

Think like a sales person.

Let's now create a disguise for the bait so they get close enough to be hooked...
apply for your free 30-min consulting
Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!


How to hook potential customers by creating an  irresistable ad.

The most common mistake I see people do with ads, is making them look like ads.

Let's be completely honest here, I don't like ads, you don't like ads and nobody else does either...

We simply don't want to be sold to.

Making your ad look like an ad is literally like painting yourself black and yellow.

It just screams "Bzzz, I iz da stinger"...

It's a big no no.

Instead, what you want to do is to make your ads look native.

Make them look like the other content that is consumed on Social Media.

I am talking memes, selfies and that stuff....

That way people don't immediately skip your ads.

But it isn't enough just making them look native.

You will also have to interrupt the scroll pattern and make them look interesting.


You are competing not with other ads but with viral content on the Internet.

We are talking Keyboard Cat, Gangnam Style and Rebecka Blacks Friday.

That's some tough competition...

So how do we make your ads pop?

Be creative and play around with it.

Sometimes it is enough with a nice selfie of you holding your product or something similar.

But try to spice it up with some creative work.

Create a meme, use photoshop and just go a tiny bit crazy.

Not too crazy but a little bit...

And lastly...
apply for your free 30-min consulting
Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!


The untold truth about turning clicks into customers quickly.

Great job, you now know how to make the ad.

So how do we convert these clicks into customers?

We do that by holding them hand-in-hand all the way through.

The purpose of every sentence I write is to make you read the next one...

That is what good copywriting does.

And that is what you want to achieve.

See it from a broader perspective, as a journey...

We start by catching interest with the content, we write intriguing headlines, give value, people click our ads and go to our landing pages...

We call the journey, a funnel.

And in all funnels it is highly important to understand your customer.

Like we talked about earlier...

Most people are looking for answers so we can't throw our products in their face.

We demonstrate our value by giving value.

Implement that in every step of your funnel and you'll have a winning concept.

Now these were just 3 easy steps to implement.

But I know you, you want MORE!

So here is...
apply for your free 30-min consulting
Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

our $7,824 free value gift

9 disruptive secrets to generate a s#*t-ton of customers ethically through facebook ads in 2022

In this 30+ page guide I have spared no details and give you exact step-by-step secrets to start generating new customers through facebook in 2022. Here are just a few of the things you'll learn...

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Don't rely on hope and prayers to get new customers.

How to predictably generate new customers every single month. Even during hard times like a pandemic.

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Save time, effort & money by working only with people that want your offer.

How to make you entire sales operation more effective and your customers happier by selling inbound.

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Future proof your business with an unbreakable brand image.

How to set your business up for success even in the future so that you can level up x10.

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How to get more sales opportunities than you can handle.

How working with high value content offers will flood your business with qualified prospects raising their hands saying "I am interested!".

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You will be able to Harness the power of business growth.

How to use scale your entire business in just 90-days and truly achieve rocket speed growth.

Did I mention it is for FREE? So what are you waiting for? Click the button below and claim your FREE report now!

Claim your FREE report now!

p.s. if at any time we want to delete this offer we may do so without prior warning. So if you want to learn how to generate more sales than ever, more predictably than ever then all you have to do is press the damn button.

Last chance now. Remember, the report is completely free. Their literally is nothing to lose.

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Enter your details to get your FREE report directly to your inbox.

Only a few spots still available this month

We'll beat your best Facebook Ad within 90-days, guaranteed or we’ll work for free…

We put our money where our mouth is.

We literally take the risk ourselves, so you don't have to.

But hold up their pal...

We can’t just go and give away crazy stuff like this to anyone.

To claim this offer...

1. You must be running profitable ads on either Facebook or Google right now.

This opportunity isn’t for startups.

Or businesses that are just starting out with their digital journey.

2. We need full creative freedom to do whatever WE believe will generate results.

If we are not in complete charge of the process, we can’t guarantee anything.

It's as simple as that.

3. You must be selling a sustainable product/service.

Our mission is to help sustainable businesses to acquire more customers ethically.

Therefore this exclusive offer is limited to those only.

To claim this offer simple click the button below and...
apply for your free 30-min consulting
Don't wait too long, FREE spots are almost gone for XXXX

For 9 businesses this month we offer an exclusive opportunity to receive personal consulting from experienced professionals and for a limited time only we will include our secret blueprint that have generated millions of dollars. All revealed during your session. That is a total value of $750!

Don't just take our word for it see what these fine people has to say about us...

here are the answers you're looking for

What does an Ethical Advertising Agency actually do?
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A good Ethical Advertising Agency will help you generate traffic ethically. It should also help you convert said traffic into paying clients at the lowest possible expense for your business while leaving the lowest possible footprint on the planet and society at large.

We do all of that but, unlike other agencies, our team at NUED not only produce ads and landing pages that produce up to 80% less CO2 than most websites. Our goal is to run circles around your competition, generate a ROI so big that you'll want to work with us forever and help you do all of that without selling your soul to the devil.
How do I know that I will get a return on my investment?
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Because we put our money where our mouth is and offer you big guarantees when working with us.
How do I know that my campaign will be sustainable?
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When working with us you will receive frequent sustainability reporting for your campaign alongside the financial results.
Do you work with small and large businesses?
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To us, your size doesn't matter 😏

If your business is making the world a better place and...

- You understand the value of spending $1 to get $5, we can work with you.

- You are serious about scaling your operations and dominating your market, we can work with you.

- You want to turn your marketing and sales department into a sustainable money-making machine, we can work with you.
Why is NUED the best Ethical Advertising Agency?
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While I could bladder on about how great we are, I'll give you the honest truth about our business instead...

✅ As far as we know, NUED is the only Ethical Advertising Agency in the world specialized on ROI performance.

✅ Our landing pages produce, on average, 80% less CO2 than other landing pages.

✅ Although limited, all of our reviews are 5/5 on G2 & Trustpilot.

✅ We have generated over $30M in revenue for our clients.

✅ Amongst our previous clients you'll find the UNHCR.
Can you guarantee results?
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All of our services Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads and Google Ads all include unique performance guarantees; where if you don't get the agreed upon results, we don't get paid.